Android eSIM transfer tool could come to more phones, taking the headache out of switching devices

Close up of SIM card inside Google Pixel 7 Pro phone
Android eSIM transfer tool could come to more phones, taking the headache out of switching devices


Android’s eSIM transfer tool could slowly become adopted by other carriers, allowing users an easier process when transferring contracts to new devices.

The eSIM transfer feature was introduced by Google last year at MWC (Mobile World Congress) and was initially only available on Google Pixel devices but that may have changed with the Samsung Galaxy S24.

According to Android Police, the feature was first noticed by Google Pixel 8 users, and it has now been spotted on the Samsung Galaxy S24 which could indicate the feature is no longer locked to Google Pixel devices. However, for now, the eSIM transfer tool only appears to work for eSIMs linked to T-Mobile, with no clear indication if and when other networks could adopt its use. 

As Samsung is one of the most popular Android phone manufacturers this could be a positive sign that other manufacturers and networks will jump on board to accelerate its adoption to the rest of the Android market.

The Android eSIM transfer tool should make it much easier to move your contract to a new device. Previously, you might be required to visit a store or use an app unique to your network provider, which could involve users going through the whole setup process again.

However, the standardization of the Android eSIM transfer tool could do away with individual devices’ or networks’ own SIM transfer tools and existing compatibility issues by having all Android devices use Google’s eSIM transfer tool, thus ensuring smooth communication between all Android devices like eSIM transfers on Apple devices. 

What are the advantages to eSIMs?


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